Andreas M. Antonopoulos: Why I Bought Bitcoin (Full Episode)
Andreas Antonopoulos explains what is bitcoin, should you buy bitcoin in 2021, and what makes bitcoin so unstoppable + why I bought bitcoin? Today’s interview with Andreas M. Antonopoulos is also about bitcoin for beginners, understanding ethereum, ETH vs. BTC, why haven’t we seen hyperinflation, NFTs, and most importantly - bitcoin explained in simple terms. I tried to make this conversation easy to follow like a bitcoin explained simply for dummies (like me) book and finally we tried to cover everything you need to know about bitcoin in 2021.
Andreas M. Antonopoulos is a best-selling author, speaker, educator, and legendary expert in Bitcoin and open blockchain technologies. He is an honest and trusted source of balanced information, highlighting both the positive and negative impacts these technologies can have on our global societies.
If you’re interested in Mastering Bitcoin or Mastering Ethereum you can check out Andreas books here: He’s also super informative on Twitter:
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Takis (real name Peter Takis) is a DJ/ producer from Winnipeg, Canada.
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